Strengthening Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering(STEM) Using Gamification In Primary Schools (GamePlus)

Building culturally relevant, entertaining, and motivating game mechanisms for hard-to-learn/teach STEM.

A passion for enhancing learning with fun

Leverage on ICT in order to develop and implement a learner centered pedagogical approach where critical thinking, fun, learning and play are integrated through gamification.

Gastro Trek

Focusing on digestion, featuring main digestion processes, quiz area, puzzles. Learner has multiple mission including collecting fruits and scores..

Blood Cruise

Blood circulation with two levels, focusing on the circulatory system and blood components.


Gamified set concepts with multiple missions including set formation, equivalent sets, equal sets. The play missions include collecting elements, and creating sets..

Can Learning of Science and Math Be fun and interesting?

Playing is perhaps the most enjoyable activity by children and adults alike

Challenges in Learning STEM

  • Low Motivation for learners
  • Low Retention.
  • High Drop Out rates.

Why Gamification

  • Make Learning fun and natural
  • Provide Resource for teachers and learners
  • Enhance performance

“That’s what games are, in the end. Teachers. Fun is just another word for learning.”

Raph Koster

Theory of Fun for Game Design

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